Friday, June 22, 2007

Week Four, Thing Eight - RSS Feeds

Really Simple Syndication or RSS is really simple. It is like adding a website to your favorites list. After you setup an account with a RSS reader like Bloglines they will give you some popular feeds to subscribe to. Another way of finding RSS feeds is to look carefully on the websites you visit because if they have a RSS feed it will normally be located somewhere on the main page but not always. Some sites have several available RSS feeds from their site. For example, CNN has several feeds but I chose the feed for their main page. Once you have subscribed to the feeds, you can put a link on your blog to your feeds so that anyone can view them. You will notice the "My Bloglines" link on the left side of the page. I would suggest that you take a look and try your hand at RSS feeds.

1 comment:

JimD said...

I hadn't rss-ed at all until I started this program. Now I'm using it reguarly and with luck it's something that we'll be able to provide from our web site before too long. we'll see how that adventure plays out.