Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 9, Thing # 23 - Summary

I am glad that BCPL is doing the "23 Things" program because it is educating alot of people about the technology that is widely available. Educating people is half the battle when it comes to technology. Once someone know how to use some piece of technology then they are more likely to use it if they feel it is worth their time. In libraries, the staff are from different generations and because of that the technological expertise will vary from staff member to staff member. This program is bringing these technologies to all staff members and making a level playing field. Now that all staff members are aware of these technologies they can apply them in their job duties. 23 Things also shows how other libraries have embraced these technologies and how they have integrated them into their library system. I think it is exciting to see library systems using technology to its advantage.

When I started this program, I knew that there would be some things I would be familiar with and others that I wouldn't. The reason for that is that I am a technology fan and because I maintain my church's website that uses some of these technologies. If I had to pick my favorite things they would be RSS feeds, Wikis, Rollyo, Library Thing and avatars. The reason being is that they were fun to learn and they are things that I am wanting to continue using. I have even started showing my wife, who is a preschool teacher, some of these technologies to help her in her job.

The future of libraries is going to depend on whether they embrace new technologies or not. Libraries have to change with the times. What I mean is that we need to keep up with what our customers needs are, how can we meet those needs and by what means can we fullfill those needs. If we do that then libraries will be the focal point for information for years to come.


Ellen said...

Congratulations on finishing! I'm glad you thought it was worthwhile. *If* you're interested, you can subscribe to the feed for Learning 2.1, created by Helene BLowers who originiated the 23 Things program.

Don't forget to help your co-workers with the program!

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